Science and the Enterprises

Adygea cheese

Foothills herbage of the North Caucasus has several unique properties. Cows pasturing here give special milk, flavoured and healthy. It is used to make cheese named Adygea, but it's not only a kind of cultured milk foods, but a genuine national brand. Many meals are prepared on the basis of Adygea cheese, such as koyazh and mataz. Traditions of Caucasus cuisine may be described in two words – delicious and healthy. Get recipe of good appetite, slender figure and longevity in film by RTG TV Milk Brand of Adygea.

Önemli Yanina Studilina

Yıl 2011

Zaman 00:28:04

Önemli Yanina Studilina

Foothills herbage of the North Caucasus has several unique properties. Cows pasturing here give special milk, flavoured and healthy. It is used to make cheese named Adygea, but it's not only a kind of cultured milk foods, but a genuine national brand. Many meals are prepared on the basis of Adygea cheese, such as koyazh and mataz. Traditions of Caucasus cuisine may be described in two words – delicious and healthy. Get recipe of good appetite, slender figure and longevity in film by RTG TV Milk Brand of Adygea.

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