
Nizhny Novgorod Cuisine

Nizhny Novgorod is one of the largest cities on the Volga River and a place worth visiting not only to see its sights, but also to try the local cuisine. RTG TV host Olga Degtyaryova was able to do both as she travelled down the Volga on a ferry, which is also a sailing restaurant. With the help of the ship’s chef she made a cold crab soup, stuffed bream and a dessert soup with a berry puree.

Önemli Ol'ga Degtyareva

Yıl 2011

Zaman 00:27:48

Önemli Ol'ga Degtyareva

Nizhny Novgorod is one of the largest cities on the Volga River and a place worth visiting not only to see its sights, but also to try the local cuisine. RTG TV host Olga Degtyaryova was able to do both as she travelled down the Volga on a ferry, which is also a sailing restaurant. With the help of the ship’s chef she made a cold crab soup, stuffed bream and a dessert soup with a berry puree.

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